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Equal parts high-flying adventure and deeply felt allegory, this middle grade graphic novel is all heart.Metal Slug is a series of run and gun games created by Nazca Corporation before merging with SNK in 1996 after the first instalment. Having learned her lesson, Greta must now team up with her new friend Gabby and their shelled companion to solve a strange mystery: Why have the kindhearted denizens of Friendlytown suddenly become so mean? And what can they do to make Friendlytown friendly again? In NoBody Loves You, Greta Grump Eisner Award-nominated cartoonist Cathy Malkasian conjures a fully-realized fantasy world cast with an array of colorful characters including tech whiz cats, ornery gopher librarians, and gangs of squirrels in matching sweater vests. But with the help of a dapper tortoise named NoBody, Greta softens her grumpy ways. She rips the heads off her dolls, lashes out at the other kids at her school, and tries her weary parents patience. In this middle grade graphic novel from the acclaimed animator/cartoonist, Greta and her friend (and pet tortoise!) must solve the mystery of Friendlytown.