What is your aesthetic: Geeking out, gothic architecture, Autumn leaves, and raspberry air freshener I tag: if you guys wanna xD and anyone else, by all means. This blog is for my cosplay and reblog nonsense. ❤️ How many blogs I follow: 315 Number of Followers: 151 on the tagged blog (161 on my cosplay blog) What I usually post about: the tagged blog is pretty dead right now, though I try to keep it up for appearance sake xD it was all Tomodachi Life. He and his husband and their kids are the cutest thing ISTG.
Tagged by: thanks darling ❤️❤️ Rules: Answer the following truthfully! Name: Ashley Nicknames: Ash mostly Zodiac Sign: Scorpio Hogwarts House: Slytherin 😏 Orientation: I don't do labels Ethnicity: White as you get XD Favorite Fruit: Bananas Favorite Season: Fall Favorite book series: Maximum Ride, Chronicles of Vladimir Tod, and so much manga xD Favorite fictional characters: Zack Fair, Zenyatta, Noctis, Sombra, The Wrench, Sitara, that's all I got on the top of my head xD Favorite Flower: Maybe Bleeding Hearts and Lily of the Valley Favorite scents: brown sugar and fig Favorite colors: Green Favorite Animals: turtles Favorite Artist/ Bands: Rascal Flatts, Bowling for Soup, Taking Back Sunday, Black Veil Brides, Andy Black, Natewantstobattle, MandoPony Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa: Tea and Cocoa! Average Sleep: I'm cool with 7, though try to get 8 (I end up with 6 xD) Number of blankets I sleep with: one heavy one I've had forever Dream Trip: Somewhere in Europe, maybe Italy Last thing you googled: Neil Patrick Harris's kids.